Severe rain and weather: If you are a Vero customer and need to claim, fill out our online claims form Claims | Vero or contact your broker.
If you have a complaint, we want to know about it
If you’re unhappy with one of our policies, our service or a decision on your claim, please tell us - often a quick conversation can help sort things out.
If you would like to report a possible fraud, please notify our Fraud Intelligence Team.
Email or call us
Call Call0800 438 372 or EmailSend us an email
Postal address
Fraud Intelligence Team
Vero Insurance NZ Ltd
Private Bag 92120
Auckland 1142
You can find the latest media releases from Vero in our Newsroom.
For all media enquiries please contact:
Kimberley Cameron
Call Call027 208 1268 or EmailEmail Kimberley